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Jan Soran

Director of Human Resources


When you operate as a department of one, you better know how to get things done. Jan gets it done – and then some. Jan has been in HR for 22+ years and in all but one of her positions, she has been a department of one, serving from 15 to over 1,500 employees. One of her major accomplishments was helping to open a brand-new bank in the state of Florida. Incredibly, Jan has managed to find time outside her department of one and her busy work life to be a mom to her “kids” – affectionately know as her “fur-babies.” Her house is officially full with a menagerie of four cats and three labs. When she’s not playing housekeeper (zoo-keeper??), she loves to cook and enjoys finding ways to make recipes healthier. In fact, Jan is compiling a recipe book for her family. HR specialist, animal-care enthusiast, chef, and author. See what you can get done when you’re a department of one?