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WPP Common Ground

Adrienne Albert: A Common Ground Conversation with the CEO of The Marketing Directors

By Common Ground: Gender Equality, New Home Marketing, Residential Real Estate Marketing, Trailblazers: Pioneering Women in Real Estate

Pace Blog_Common Ground_MentorAnything but Common!

As part of our Common Ground campaign for Gender Equality, Pace proudly salutes the women of real estate! Here’s to every achievement earned, every milestone passed, and every glass ceiling shattered.

Pace Blog_Common Ground_Adrienne AlbertADRIENNE ALBERT, CEO – The Marketing Directors

Adrienne Albert is nationally recognized as one of the foremost marketing and sales experts in residential real estate. With her firm, The Marketing Directors, Ms. Albert has been personally responsible for the marketing and sales of over $30 billion in residential sales. Read More